除了QQ, 当前最火爆的社交工具无非是微信, 或许连QQ都难以匹敌, 更重要的是其更是一个平台, 一个可持续扩展的平台, 无论是公众号, 微店, 支付等, 都使得微信被运用得更为广, 再而深。 之前做了一个关于公众号对接的, 实现用户只需第一次登录即可永久自动登录的功能, 觉得是个比较实用的功能, 分享如下:
public static Boolean isWxClient(HttpServletRequest request){
String header = request.getHeader("USER-AGENT");
return header != null && header.contains("MicroMessenger");
// 微信授权页面
private static final String authorizeUrl = "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize";
// 获取微信用户openId
private static final String getOpenIdUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token";
// 获取访问token
private static final String getTokenUrl = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/token?grant_type=client_credential";
String requestUri = req.getRequestURI();
if (WxConstants.isWxClient(req)
&& filterUri(requestUri)){ // 过滤一些业务中不需要拦截的URI, 比如登入登出等(若登入登出拦截了, 用户将无法登入登出)
Object openId = req.getSession().getAttribute(WxConstants.OPEN_ID);
if (openId == null){
String redirectUrl = "http://" + ThreadVars.getHost() + requestUri;
// 未登录
Object code = req.getParameter(WxConstants.CODE);
if (code == null){
// 重定向到微信认证
wxRequestor.toAuthorize(redirectUrl, resp);
return Boolean.FALSE;
} else {
log.info("[weixin]: get code({}) from authorized.", code);
// 获取openId
Map<String, Object> mapResp = wxRequestor.getOpenId(String.valueOf(code));
if (mapResp.get("errcode") != null){
log.error("[weixin]: failed to get openid by code({}) cause: {}", code, mapResp);
} else {
String openIdStr = String.valueOf(mapResp.get(WxConstants.OPEN_ID));
// TODO 这里可以从数据源中通过openIdStr查询对应的系统用户是否存在, 存在则可以让用户自动登录
public final class WxConstants {
// 微信浏览器USER-AGENT标识
public static final String WEIXIN_USER_AGENT = "MicroMessenger";
// openid变量
public static final String OPEN_ID = "openid";
// code变量
public static final String CODE = "code";
* 判断当前请求是否来自微信浏览器
public static Boolean isWxClient(HttpServletRequest request){
String header = request.getHeader("USER-AGENT");
return header != null && header.contains(WEIXIN_USER_AGENT);
public class WxRequestor{
private String appId; //微信公众号ID
private String secret; //微信公众号密钥
* 重定向微信认证页面
public void toAuthorize(String redirectUrl, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
toAuthorize(redirectUrl, "123", response);
* 重定向微信认证页面
public void toAuthorize(String redirectUrl, String state, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
String encodedUrl = URLEncoder.encode(redirectUrl, "utf-8");
StringBuilder redirect = new StringBuilder(authorizeUrl);
.append("&response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base") //其中scope分两种: snsapi_base和snsapi_userinfo, 可见http://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki/17/c0f37d5704f0b64713d5d2c37b468d75.html
log.info("[weixin]: go to authorize page : {}.", redirect);
* 获取微信用户的openid
* @param code 认证后的code值
* @return 获取成功openid存放在map中, 反之errcode为错误码
public Map<String, Object> getOpenId(String code){
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(getOpenIdUrl);
return get(url.toString());
* 发送微信GET请求(默认不带上access_token)
* @param url 请求url
* @return map结果集
public Map<String, Object> get(String url){
return get(url, Boolean.FALSE);
* 发送微信GET请求
* @param url 请求url
* @param withAccessToken 是否要带上access_token
* @return map结果集
public Map<String, Object> get(String url, boolean withAccessToken){
Map<String, Object> mapResp = doGet(url, withAccessToken);
log.info("[weixin]: do get request({}), and get response({}).", url, mapResp);
Object errcode = mapResp.get("errcode");
if (errcode != null && withAccessToken){
if (Objects.equal("40003", errcode)){
// token失效
return doGet(url, withAccessToken);
log.error("[weixin]: failed to do wx request({}), cause: {}", url, mapResp);
return mapResp;
private Map<String, Object> doGet(String url, boolean withAccessToken){
String requestUrl = withAccessToken ? addAccessToken(url) : url;
String jsonResp = HttpRequest.get(requestUrl).body();
Map<String, Object> mapResp = toJson(jsonResp, Map.class); //将json字符串转换为map对象
return mapResp;